Agnus castus 50ml tincture

Agnus castus 50ml tincture
For relief of premenstrual symptoms
• For symptoms of PMS• Menstrual cramps• Breast tenderness• Bloating• Irrit...

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Artichoke (Cynara scolymus ) 50ml tincture

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus ) 50ml tincture
Artichoke extract made with freshly harvested cynara
• Made from freshly harvested Cynara scolymus (Globe Artichoke) leaves• Organically grown&...

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Avena sativa 50ml tincture

Avena sativa 50ml tincture
Extract of freshly harvested Avena sativa herb
• Made from freshly harvested Avena sativa (oat) herb• Organically grown• Botanical f...

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AvenaCalm (Avena saliva) 50ml tincture

AvenaCalm (Avena saliva) 50ml tincture
Fresh herb tincture of Avena sativa for mild stress and anxiety
• For symptoms of mild stress and anxiety• May also be used to aid sleep• Fresh herb ...

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Bowel Essence 30ml tincture

Bowel Essence 30ml tincture
Combination flower remedy
When to use Jan de Vries Bowel Essence? This remedy can be used by those who may be feeling sluggis...

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Bronchoforce, chesty cough remedy 50ml tincture

Bronchoforce, chesty cough remedy 50ml tincture
Contains Ivy, Thyme and Liquorice, herbal remedies traditionally used for chesty coughs
• Herbal remedy for chesty or mucus cough• Helps the body expel mucus or catarrh from the ...
from £11.99

Bronchosan Pine Cough Syrup 100ml syrup

Bronchosan Pine Cough Syrup 100ml syrup
Cough syrup for dry, tickly, irritating throat coughs Bronchosan Pine Cough Syrup is made from freshly harvested pine (spruce) shoots
• For dry, tickly, irritating coughs• Made with extracts of freshly harvested pine shoots&...

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Centaurium (Centaury) 50ml tincture

Centaurium (Centaury) 50ml tincture
Fresh extract of Cenaturium umbellatum
• Made from Centaurium umbellatum (Centaury)• Stomach bitter• Fresh extract of herbs ...

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Child Essence 30ml tincture

Child Essence 30ml tincture
Combination flower remedy
When to use Jan de Vries Child Essence? This combination of the flower remedies has been put togeth...

Concentration Essence 30ml tincture

Concentration Essence 30ml tincture
Combination flower remedy
What is Jan de Vries Concentration Essence This combination of essences may help maintain a feeling...

Confidence Essence 30ml tincture

Confidence Essence 30ml tincture
Combination flower remedy
What is Jan de Vries Confidence Essence? This combination of essences may give support when confide...

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Craving Essence 30ml tincture

Craving Essence 30ml tincture
Combination flower remedy
When to use Jan de Vries Craving Essence? Craving Essence is best used by people trying to beat mil...

Dandelion (Taraxacum) 50ml tincture

Dandelion (Taraxacum) 50ml tincture
Extract of freshly harvested Dandelion
• Made from freshly harvested Dandelion root and herb• Organically grown• Botanical f...

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Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) 50ml & 100ml tincture

Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) 50ml & 100ml tincture
Extract of freshly harvested Devil's Claw herb
• Made from cultivated Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) root• Organically grown&bul...
from £11.99

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Digestisan tincture 50ml

Digestisan tincture 50ml
Digestisan for the relief of indigestion
• Herbal indigestion remedy• Helps with feeling of fullness and flatulence• Made from...

Dormeasan® Valerian & Hops 15ml or 50ml

Dormeasan® Valerian & Hops 15ml or 50ml
Dormeasan® Valerian-Hops works as a sleeping aid; sleep better and wake more refreshed!
• Herbal sleep remedy• Helps restore natural sleep• Tinctures of Valerian and Hops&bu...
from £4.99

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Echinaforce® 50ml or 100ml tincture.  42 or 120 tablets

Echinaforce® 50ml or 100ml tincture. 42 or 120 tablets
Echinacea drops (tincture) and tablets - herbal remedy for colds and flu
• Relieve the symptoms of cold and flu viruses by supporting your immune system• Made from...
from £4.99

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Echinaforce® Sore Throat spray 30ml

Echinaforce® Sore Throat spray 30ml
Sore Throat spray contains fresh extracts of Echinacea and sage
• Herbal remedy for sore throats• Contains echinacea and sage• Fresh herb extract&bul...

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