Traditional Home & Herbal Remedies

Traditional Home & Herbal Remedies
ISBN 1840189371
Code 9123

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As a trained pharmacist Jan de Vries has the scientific mind to select and advise on those old home and herbal remedies that our ancestors used regularly. Using his wide experience and that of his mentor, Dr Alfred Vogel -the renowned Swiss herbalist, Jan has written a simple, easy to understand book which gives full information on using home and herbal remedies to treat a wide variety of common ailments and illnesses. Jan de Vries first became interested in herbs and natural remedies when, as a child during the Second World War, he was shown the secrets of the herb garden by an old monk in occupied Holland. After training as a pharmacist as an adult, he felt increasingly drawn to this ancient knowledge and learned all he could from Alfred Vogel, the renowned Swiss naturopath and herbalist; from a group of gypsies who took him up into the mountains; and much later, during his travels in China and the Far East. Today, more and more people are beginning to rediscover the healing powers of roots and plants. Indeed, some of the most frequently prescribed and powerful drugs are based on plant extracts. Jan de Vries has researched as far back as the twelfth century and has recorded the folk wisdom of various countries, learning from them the popular remedies passed on to them by their forebears.

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