Pollinosan Luffa Nasal Spray 20ml

Pollinosan Luffa Nasal Spray 20ml
Cleansing nasal spray for hay fever causing pollen and other allergens
Code 4605

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This hayfever nasal spray cleanses the nasal passages of pollen and other allergens, house or animal dust. It is a medical device in an isotonic solution containing seven tropical herbs.

Luffa Nasal Spray works by rinsing and cleansing the nose of hayfever-causing allergens. It also restores fluid and moisture in the nasal passages, making the nose feel soothed and more comfortable.

Benefits and features of Luffa Hayfever Nasal Spray:

  • Cleansing action against hayfever-causing pollen and other allergens
  • Also suitable in protecting against allergic rhinitis
  • Can be used with other hayfever remedies
  • Can be used over a prolonged period
  • No restriction on use with asthma
  • Suitable for children over the age of 6
  • No preservatives

Luffa hayfever Nasal Spray is a medical device and easy to use. It may be used over prolonged periods and by those sensitive to chemical medication. Using Luffa Nasal Spray will mean that hayfever-causing pollen has less of a chance of invading your body and causing those horrid symptoms associated with allergies.

Dosage of Pollinosan

Adults and Children (6 years and over): Spray once or twice into each nostril 2 -5 times per day.

To use:

Hold the bottle upright, remove the plastic cap and insert the nozzle into the nostril. Depress the pump by placing the fingers on either side of the nozzle. It may be necessary to prime the pump before use by depressing the spray mechanism once or twice until a fine spray appears.


Luffa operculata (Luffa), Ammi visnaga (Toothpick Weed), Aralia racemosa* (American Spikenard), Cardiospermum halicacabum* (Heartseed), Okoubaka aubrevillei (Okoubaka), Larrea mexicana (Chapparal) Galphimia glauca (Golden Thryallis), in an isotonic solution buffered with disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate and less than 0.7% ethanol.

This product is sterile and contains no preservatives. The special dispenser ensures that there is no backflow of product into the reservoir.

* Organically grown



Is this product suitable for me?

Use Pollinosan Luffa Nasal Spray if your symptoms are caused by hayfever or allergic rhinitis (allergies to dust or animals), giving you an itchy, runny or irritated nose. Other symptoms may include your nose and eyes reacting to certain weather conditions or factors that you can’t pin down.

If your nose is blocked during or after a cold, Sinuforce Nasal Spray will be more suitable for you. Other symptoms may include a feeling that your sinuses are congested (possibly causing headaches), or catarrh sitting stubbornly in your nasal passages. It is also a good product to try if you are finding it hard to breathe freely through your nose, with symptoms affecting your sleep or ability to exercise.

It is unlikely that you would need both these products at the same time - Pollinosan Nasal Spray is predominantly for runny noses and Sinuforce Nasal Spray for blocked noses.

When can it be used?

Pollinosan Nasal Spray can be used whenever symptoms of hayfever, allergies and allergic rhinitis are felt.


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