Covering the various symptoms experienced during the menopause Jan de Vries provides the reader with an excellent insight into the menopause, with clear explanations of these changes and how they can be treated using natural medicine. Menopause by Jan de Vries is a practical and down-to-earth addition to the Well Woman series. First printed in 1993, this revised edition has only recently been published. Hot flushes, depression and osteoporosis are just a few of the distressing symptoms through which the change of life can manifest itself. Jan de Vries has more than 40 years' experience in treating these and other menopausal symptoms. He provides clear explanations of the changes which take place in a woman's body and, by advocating a common-sense approach based on natural medicine, he offers an effective alternative to treatments such as hormone-replacement therapy, the potentially damaging side-effects of which are a concern for many women.